
目前显示的是 十月, 2023的博文

Why Does My Car Leak Oil When It Is Parked?

It's often said that changing your oil is the most important thing you can do to maintain your car. Despite this, many car owners procrastinate - and the results of procrastination can be dire. Over time, the oil becomes contaminated and loses its viscosity. In short, it gets dirty. And when that happens, it loses its ability to prevent friction - which means your engine parts can actually wear on each other, leading to  auto oil seal  corrosion and potentially major mechanical failure.   Common Signs of an Oil Leak One way to know that you haven't had an oil change in a long time is if oil is leaking from your engine. One of the most typical signs of an oil leak is seeing a puddle of greasy brown fluid under your car after it has been parked for a while. An engine covered in oil is also a good indication of a leak. Open the hood every once in a while and check the fluids in your vehicle. You will be able to notice if oil is leaking or seeping out from multiple places. Last but