What Types of Seals Are In My Car?
You might be surprised at the places you ’ll find seals like the ones we design and manufacture at KDIK. Our seals are used in truck, trains, and yes, you guessed it — automobiles. KDIK specializes in manufacturing auto oil seal that can withstand extreme temperatures and environments, which is a critical capability when it comes to the countless mechanical operations we rely on everyday, especially in the inner workings of our cars. Seals help keep everything in your car in working order, from the mechanisms under your hood to your wheels and trunk. They also prevent leakage, keeping oil, coolant. And there are even seals around your doors and windows to keep the rain, snow, and cold (or hot) air out, helping to maintain the interior comfort of your car. Let’s take a deeper dive into some of the parts of your car where seals make all the difference. Engine Without a doubt, the engine is the most important part of any car. It’s the heart of the automobile, and seals are cri...